China Girls Abroad

Edinburgh Festival 2012If you are planning where to go in August, if you are just happen to be in Scotland, then you definitely can’t miss the biggest art festival in the world-Edinburgh Festival!

I went to the Edinburgh Festival quite a few times this year, and every time it was a wonderful experience. Every beautiful thing starts from the very simple. If you are in Glasgow, one hour on the train will take you there, and it’s incredibly convenient since the train departs every 15 minutes, so you can even have a relaxed Saturday morning and leave at about 2pm.

After one hour of travelling through the Scottish countryside, you will arrive in Edinburgh’s main railway station-Waverley, which is located right in the center of Edinburgh. After you get out of the train station, turn right you will walk directly into the shopping centre—Princes Street which has all the main shops and stores. If you turn left out of the station, it will lead you to Edinburgh castle and main festival venues.